The School Site Council (SSC) and Site Governance Team (SGT) are elected parents and staff members that meet monthly (or as needed) on the first Tuesday of the month to discuss school policy, the Title I plan, budget and the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
School Site Council
The School Site Council (SSC) is one of several advisory groups to the principal. It is made up of parents/community members, teachers, and staff members. Its goal is to better the quality of education at Spreckels by promoting excellence, equity, and opportunity for all students. Its responsibilities differs from other advisory groups such as the Governance Team and the English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC), though they all have improving student achievement as the primary goal. Some parents choose to serve on both committees. Spreckels' SSC consists of ten members including the principal. Parents/community members must make up half of the council by law. The meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of the month (or as needed) at 4:00pm and usually run for two hours or less. The meetings are held with the Governance Team. Parents, community members, teachers or staff member are welcome to attend SSC meetings. Please contact the school office for information on how to introduce a topic for discussion.
Site Governance Team
The Spreckels Site Governance Team (SGT) is a group of 13 elected or appointed parents, teachers and staff who, with the Principal and Vice Principal, are responsible for making decisions about Spreckels' educational programs. They are a very important advisory group to the Principal. Their goal is to improve the quality of education by promoting excellence, equity and opportunity for all students. Meetings are held at 4:00pm on the first Tuesday of each month (or as needed) in room 42. Parents, community members, teachers or staff member are welcome to attend the Governance Team/SSC meetings. Anyone may introduce a topic for discussion by filling out a Governance Team/SSC agenda request form, available in the office. Requests must be turned in by the Wednesday before the meeting. Remarks are limited to 3 minutes.