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Spreckels Elementary Phase One Checklist
Phase One of Reopening
Access Guide (COVID-19 Prevention Plan)
Safety is the top priority and all teachers, staff, and students must adhere to this guide during Phase One Reopening.
General Measures
For an employee or student who gets sick at a site, tests positive for COVID, or were exposed to someone who was tested positive for COVID-19:
The Nursing & Wellness Department will investigate any COVID-19 illness and determine if any school-related factors could have contributed to risk of infection.
The Nursing & Wellness Department will work with public health officials and assist with contact tracing and any required notifications.
For communicating information about COVID-19 outbreaks among students or staff, email: [email protected], or fill out the forms: COVID-19 Illness and Testing Reporting Tool, COVID-19 Contact Reporting Tool. In addition, you can also contact the San Diego County Public Health Department by calling 1-888-950-9905.
To determine when an employee or student may return to work/school, a decision tree guide designed by the county public health department will be used.
The Nursing and Wellness department will work alongside site nurses to maintain regular communications with the local public health department.
Teachers and other staff may only enter the site after completing the health screening process each day. Health screening includes:
Symptom Checklist via ClearPass app or Google Form - can be done at home
A symptom checklist paper sheet is available for those to use when unable to use ClearPass app or Google Form.
Teachers and staff must complete a health and safety training prior to accessing the school campus. All staff performing screening must also complete this staff screening process training. The last page of this guide provides instruction to access the health and safety training through SafeSchools. .
Only essential workers approved by the Facilities Department or administration may enter the school site and must abide by the District's COVID-19 Safety Procedures.
Parents should reach out to their family physician if their student or a member of their household is particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 infection to determine if in-person education is the appropriate action for Phase One appointment-based learning.
Promote Healthy Hygiene Practices
Provide disposable gloves and extra face masks for workers who are screening others for symptoms or handling commonly touched items.
Students and staff should use a tissue to wipe their nose and to cough/sneeze inside a tissue or their elbow.
Students and staff should wash their hands frequently throughout the day, including before and after eating; after coughing or sneezing; after classes where they handle shared items, such as outside recreation, art, or shop; and before and after using the restroom.
Students and staff should wash their hands for 20 seconds with soap, rubbing thoroughly after application. Soap products marketed as “antimicrobial” are not necessary or recommended.
Staff should model and practice hand washing. For example, for lower grade levels, use bathroom time as an opportunity to reinforce healthy habits and monitor proper handwashing.
Students and staff should use fragrance-free hand sanitizer when handwashing is not practicable. Sanitizer must be rubbed into hands until completely dry. Note: frequent hand washing is more effective than the use of hand sanitizers.
Ethyl alcohol-based hand sanitizers are preferred and should be used when there is the potential of unsupervised use by children. Isopropyl hand sanitizers are more toxic when ingested or absorbed in skin and should not be used. Do not use hand sanitizers that may contain methanol, which can be hazardous when ingested or absorbed.
Children under age 9 should only use hand sanitizer under adult supervision. Call Poison Control if consumed: 1-800-222-1222.
It is recommended that all students and staff be immunized against the flu when possible.
Face Masks
All students and staff in phase one appointment based learning will wear a face mask in school buildings at all times.
If a staff member is alone in a closed room or office they may remove their mask.
If during the school day a student/staff develops symptoms that prevent them from wearing a mask, they will be taken to a waiting area with supervision until they can go home.
Teachers will be educated on how they can determine if a student’s face mask is adequate. Masks should cover the mouth, nose, and chin. Teachers should look for proper mask etiquette and correct students as needed.
Masks must not contain valves.
If a mask gets lost, is soiled, or is inadequately fit, extra masks at schools will be provided to the student or staff member.
Face masks can be removed briefly while sipping water or other hydration and when outdoors and maintaining 6 feet distance, or when it needs to be replaced.
When students or staff need to take off their masks, a paper bag (paper envelope) or equivalent (no plastic bags) will be provided.
All paper bags/equivalent to store masks should be labeled as to not confuse who it belongs to.
All students and staff should never trade a mask.
Face shields, disposable gloves and gowns will be provided for those staff who have anticipated contact with stool, urine, saliva, or blood.
For students who are unable to wear a mask: A determination will be made if the student may be trained to wear a mask safely by making learning goals. They will remain on online learning for phase one. The site staff team will reassess access for these students in subsequent phases. .
Ensure Teacher and Staff Safety Safety
Support staff who are at higher risk for severe illness or who cannot safely distance from household contacts at higher risk, by providing options such as telework, where appropriate, or teaching in a virtual learning or independent study context.
Conduct all staff meetings, professional development training and education virtually.
Employees shall not socially congregate in any workspace, including but not limited to break rooms, common lunch areas, hallways, restrooms and other workspaces. In accordance with current County guidelines, no social activities shall take place in any workspaces.
Follow procedures for daily symptom monitoring for staff via ClearPass app.
Intensify Cleaning, Disinfection, and Ventilation
Rooms that do not have good natural ventilation and no MERV-13 filter in the HVAC system be equipped with portable air cleaners, with proper ‘clean air delivery rate’ (CADR).
Ensure ample supplies of disinfectant to provide for daily cleaning of handrails on stairs, ramps, and all items in classrooms and touchable objects throughout.
Ensure ample supplies for hand sanitization: The following will be made available:
i. Every room with a sink shall be stocked with soap, hand sanitizer, and paper towels;
ii. Every classroom shall be provided hand sanitizer;
iii. Non-classroom workspaces shall be provided hand sanitizer;
iv. Hand sanitizer or portable hand washing stations shall be provided at each ingress and egress point;
v. All hand washing/hand sanitizing supplies noted above or otherwise provided shall be checked and restocked promptly as needed and prior to the beginning of each school day.
All public spaces reconfigured to allow for physical distancing measures, including appropriate signage and barriers as needed.
Restrooms marked outside of entry for the maximum number of users.
Training materials will be available tailored for parents, staff and students on safety protocols.
When choosing disinfecting products, use district-approved disinfecting products and those approved for use against COVID-19 on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved list “N” and follow product instructions.
To reduce the risk of asthma and other health effects related to disinfecting, programs should select disinfectant products on list N with asthma-safer ingredients (hydrogen peroxide, citric acid or lactic acid) as recommended by the US EPA Design for Environment program.
Avoid products that contain peroxyacetic (paracetic) acid, sodium hypochlorite (bleach) or quaternary ammonium compounds, which can cause asthma.
Follow label directions for appropriate dilution rates and contact times. Provide workers training on the chemical hazards, manufacturer’s directions, Cal/OSHA requirements for safe use, and as applicable and as required by the Healthy Schools Act.
Custodial staff and any other workers who clean and disinfect the school site must be equipped with proper protective equipment, including gloves, eye protection, respiratory protection, and other appropriate protective equipment as required by the product instructions. All products must be kept out of children’s reach and stored in a space with restricted access.
Establish a cleaning and disinfecting schedule in order to avoid both under- and over-use of cleaning products.
Buses should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected daily and after transporting any individual who is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. Drivers should be provided disinfectant wipes and disposable gloves to support disinfection of frequently touched surfaces during the day.
Implementing Distancing Inside and Outside the Classroom
Ensure staff and students maintain six (6) feet of physical distance from each other. There may be limited scenarios where six (6) feet distance is impractical including, but not limited to, passing in a hallway or viewing students work.
Minimize contact in the front of the school between students, staff, families, and the community at the beginning and end of the school day. Prioritize minimizing contact between adults at all times.
Stagger arrival and drop off-times and locations as consistently as practicable as to minimize scheduling challenges for families.
Designate routes for entry and exit, using as many entrances as feasible. Put in place other protocols to limit direct contact with others as much as practicable.
Maximize space between students and between students and the driver on school buses and open windows to the greatest extent practicable.
Ensure each bus is equipped with extra unused face masks on school buses for students who may have inadvertently failed to bring one.
To reduce possibilities for infection, students must remain in the same space and in cohorts as small and consistent as practicable. Keep the same students and teacher or staff with each group, to the greatest extent practicable.
Prioritize the use and maximization of outdoor space for activities where practicable.
Minimize movement of students and teachers or staff as much as practicable.
Maximize space between seating and desks. Distance teacher and other staff desks at least 6 feet away from student desks. Consider ways to establish separation of students through other means if practicable, such as, 6 feet between desks, where practicable, partitions between desks, markings on classroom floors to promote distancing, or arranging desks in a way that minimizes face-to-face contact.
Consider redesigning activities for smaller groups and rearranging furniture and play spaces to maintain separation.
Staff should develop instructions for maximizing spacing and ways to minimize movement in both indoor and outdoor spaces that are easy for students to understand and are developmentally appropriate.
Activities where there is increased likelihood for transmission from contaminated exhaled droplets, such as band and choir practice and performances, are not permitted.
Implement procedures for turning in assignments to minimize contact.
Consider using privacy boards or clear screens to increase and enforce separation between staff and students.
The following procedures have been put in place regarding non-classroom spaces:
Limit nonessential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving other groups at the same time.
Limit communal activities where practicable. Alternatively, stagger use, properly space occupants and disinfect in between uses.
Consider use of non-classroom space for instruction, including regular use of outdoor space, weather permitting. For example, consider part-day instruction outside.
Minimize congregate movement through hallways as much as practicable. For example, establish more ways to enter and exit a campus, create staggered passing times when necessary or when students cannot stay in one room and create guidelines on the floor that students can follow to enable physical distancing while passing. In addition, schools can consider eliminating the use of lockers and moving to block scheduling, which supports the creation of cohort groups and reduces changes of classrooms.
Consider holding recess activities in separated areas designated by class.
Limit Sharing
Keep each child’s belongings separated and in individually labeled storage containers, cubbies, or areas. Ensure belongings are taken home each day to be cleaned.
Ensure adequate supplies to minimize sharing of high-touch materials (art supplies, equipment, etc.) to the extent practicable or limit use of supplies and equipment to one group of children at a time and clean and disinfect between uses.
Avoid sharing electronic devices, clothing, toys, books, and other games or learning aids as much as practicable. Where sharing occurs, clean and disinfect between uses.
Train all staff and Educate Families
Please see Health and Safety training on SafeSchools (for staff) and Parent Learning Menu (for families) on the following topics:
Enhanced sanitation practices
Physical distancing guidelines and their importance
Proper use, removal, and washing of face masks
Screening practices
How COVID-19 is spread
COVID-19 specific symptom identification
Preventing the spread of COVID-19 if you are sick, including the importance of not coming to work if staff members have symptoms, or if they or someone they live with has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
For workers, COVID-19 specific symptom identification and when to seek medical attention.
Check for signs and symptoms
Prevent discrimination against students who (or whose families) were or are diagnosed with COVID-19 or who are perceived to be a COVID-19 risk.
Staff and students who are sick or who have recently had close contact with a person with COVID-19 need to stay home.
Ensure policies encourage sick staff and students to stay at home without fear of reprisal, and that staff, students and students’ families are aware of these policies.
Notify school nurse immediately of any exposure to a positive case of COVID-19 at school while maintaining confidentiality, as required under FERPA and state law related to privacy of educational records.
Conduct visual wellness checks of all students or establish procedures for parents to monitor at home.
If a student is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, staff should communicate with a school health office staff to be brought to the isolation area.
Monitor staff and students throughout the day for signs of illness; send home students and staff with a fever of 100F degrees (per San Diego County public health order) or higher, cough, or other COVID-19 symptoms.
Policies should not penalize students and families for missing class.
Plan for When a Staff Member, Child or Visitor Becomes Sick at School
Determine Isolation areas for students, staff with symptoms to await ride home
Isolation area should be near a bathroom or have a bathroom inside the isolation room.
Isolation room: The best plan would be for the health office staff to be notified that a student with symptoms was being brought to the isolation area. In the isolation area there would be a supervising adult and the student would be assigned to a numbered seat. The supervising adult will don PPE and the supervising adult would remain >6ft away. The staff member will be trained according to district first aid guidelines, health office staff and district nurses are also on call at all times. Once the parent has arrived, the staff member would do the handoff, sign the student out, preferably outside the building to keep the parent from entering the building.
For serious injury or illness, call 9-1-1 without delay. Seek medical attention if COVID-19 symptoms become severe, including persistent pain or pressure in the chest, confusion, or bluish lips or face. Updates and further details are available on CDC’s webpage.
For health office staff who are assessing and managing with students with symptoms, they will be given surgical-style masks and face shields (and with fit-tested N95 masks, as available in community), as per Cal-OSHA regulations
Considerations for Reopening and Partial or Total Closures
When a student, teacher, or staff member tests positive for COVID-19 and had exposed others at the school, Guide to COVID-19 Issues and implement the following steps:
In consultation with the local public health department, the Nursing and Wellness department in cooperation with site nurse and appropriate school officials may decide whether school closure versus cleaning and quarantine of exposed persons or other intervention is warranted, including the length of time necessary, based on the risk level within the specific community as determined by the local public health officer.
Close off the classroom or office where the infected person was based and do not use these areas until after cleaning and disinfection. Wait at least 24 hours before cleaning and disinfecting. If 24 hours is not feasible, wait as long as possible.
Additional areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual may also need to be closed temporarily for cleaning and disinfection.
The Nursing and Wellness department in cooperation with the site nurse will Implement communication plans for exposure at school and potential school closures to include outreach to students, parents, teachers, staff, and the community.
Include information for staff regarding labor laws, information regarding Disability Insurance, Paid Family Leave and Unemployment Insurance, as applicable to schools. See additional information on government programs supporting sick leave and worker’s compensation for COVID-19, including worker’s sick leave rights under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and employee’s rights to workers’ compensation benefits and presumption of the work-relatedness of COVID-19 pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order N-62-20, while that Order is in effect.
Provide guidance to parents, teachers and staff reminding them of the importance of community physical distancing measures while a school is closed, including discouraging students or staff from gathering elsewhere.
Develop a plan for continuity of education. Consider in that plan how to also continue nutrition and other services provided in the regular school setting to establish alternate mechanisms for these services to continue.