The school's playgrounds consist of a Kindergarten playground, a 1st-2nd grade playground/dirt field, and a 3rd-5th grade playground/grass field. For safety and supervision, students should remain within the designated play area for their grade.
Expected student behavior on the playground:
- Students are expected to walk to the playground.
- Follow directions the first time given.
- Play only on the playground or field. Students are not to play in the hallways or restrooms.
- Use equipment safely and properly incl not going up slide, refraining from running, playing tag or chase around equipment.
- Demonstrate good sportsmanship and abide by the decisions of the group or adult supervisor.
- Use school determined rules when playing games.
- Never throw or bounce balls against a building as it destroys the stucco and paint.
- At no time are students to be in a classroom without supervision.
- Refrain from throwing rocks, sand, or any other object not intended for throwing.
- Use proper language (no profanity or name-calling).
- Leave personal toys, games, video games, cameras, radios, and sports equipment at home; no toys are to be at school or in backpacks.
- Healthy snacks may be eaten in the lunch arbor or other tables on the playground (no gum or candy)
- Stop play at the sound of the bell.
- Playground equipment is not to be taken home.